It may be the hope of all who have ever put pen to paper that they might be able to write on a full-time basis. The romantic notion of a writer's life is compelling enough to many to find them seeking ways to make a living by crafting the written word.
David Boles is the publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Go Inside Magazine. Boles indicates his day starts at 8:00 a.m. and he rarely finishes writing until midnight. Boles has additional words of wisdom for new writers.

1. You will not get rich overnight
Some of Boles' advice runs counter to the idealistic notion of what a writer's life is supposed to be, "The best thing you can do to prepare yourself for the life of a writer is to make certain you have a steady form of income that will cover your monthly nut."
2. Creativity may be overrated
Boles also indicates creativity is less about devising something altogether new and more about a willingness to find new ingredients for an old recipe, "There's nothing new in the world and good writing is simply reinventing what has come before you in a new and delightful way."
3. Muse cooperation is not optional
While many writers feel that creative inspiration is required if you are to write anything of meaning, Boles has a more pragmatic approach to writing, "Making yourself sit down and create is more important than the desire to write."
